A common syndrome of actively rushing to the internet for diagnosis after experiencing some symptoms has affected many. This article condemns this habit and explains why we need to seek proper medical attention.

Have you ever felt a sudden twinge in your back, experienced a sharp pain in your chest, or noticed unusual fatigue? Did you rush to your favourite search engine to check what might be wrong? Even with the best intentions, your search can quickly become a tangled mess of confusion!
Technology seems to have made nearly everything easier, giving us access to a wealth of information at our fingertips. This convenience extends to the health sector as well. A research review suggested that 90% of people in the United States have used the internet to search for health information, and also revealed that 1 in 3 adults have gone online trying to diagnose a medical condition.
Googling your symptoms makes you believe you have a serious or even deadly health condition. When this happens, it’s known as cyberchondria, a term used to refer to an individual who develops extreme anxiety after using the internet to search for medical information.
You’re experiencing a persistent cough, for instance, and almost instinctively, you grab your phone to search for the possible causes of persistent cough. You will be bombarded with a range of potential causes, such as allergies, asthma, tuberculosis, pneumonia, whooping cough, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and so on. Now you’re not only coughing but also feeling overwhelmed and anxious. Turning to Google to diagnose what is wrong with you can lead to fear and anxiety because Google won’t provide specific information about your health.
Online resources can be beneficial but are often confusing, alarming, and filled with inaccurate information. Google does not know your medical history, current medications, or other personal details crucial for an accurate diagnosis. One of the biggest risks of self-online diagnosis is that it may deter you from seeking the professional help you need.
When your car breaks down, you don’t just Google the problem to find out why it happened. Searching online may provide numerous reasons, but it won’t pinpoint the exact issue. Instead, you consult a mechanic with the expertise to identify and fix the fault.
Similarly, when you’re experiencing health problems, it’s more effective to consult a medical doctor, rather than relying on search engines. Medical doctors undergo years of training that fully equips them with the knowledge to diagnose and treat a range of medical conditions that Google simply cannot match.
When your smartphone starts acting up, you don’t rely on online searches to troubleshoot the issue. Instead, you’d visit a tech specialist who can fix the problem. Why then are you googling your health problems?
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