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To survive at Unilorin is to have ability to withstand any challenge in life – Official

Conditions students experience at the University of Ilorin help ensure adequate preparation for post-school life, an official of the school has said.

The official, Alex Akanmu, who is the sud-dead of students affairs, spoke on Wednesday at the first public lecture of the school’s General Studies division held at the Auditorium.

“If you can survive life in the University of Ilorin, you can survive life outside,” said Mr Akanmu, who represented the dean of students of affairs at the event.

Following Mr Akanmu’s point on the role of the school in strengthening students’ abilities to withstand life’s dynamics and pressures later in life, the guest speaker Lanre Adisa, spoke on how stduents could make judicious use of their time in school in preparation for the future.

In his letcure titled ‘Finding your purpose’, he made the point that the essence of schooling in a university should not just be about going to classes, thereby urging students to see interest in internship, volunteering and seeking right mentorship.

He mentioned that it all starts with passion, progresses to practice and then leads to purpose because in purpose, in reality, is a destination. He urged students to be self aware, embrace apprenticeship, volunteering or internship, find mentors or role models, stay focused and grow their own networks by building goodwill.

He also encouraged students to read, do what they love, have fun and let the whole feel their impacts.

Mr Adisa, the Chief Creative Officer of Noah’s Ark and alumnus of the university.

He ended his lecture with a prayer of the late Tai Solarin which reads, ‘May your roads be rough’.

A resounding applause filled the auditorium as students gave him a standing ovation at the end of the lecture. A quick question and answer session was conducted, followed by the presentation of a plaque to the quest lecturer by Mrs AbdulRaheem.

Meanwhile, the university has just recently welcomed a new register, F.O. Olowoleni, a woman. She is the second female to be so appointed but the first registrar of the university to hold a doctoral degree.

The Aboaba of Offa, Y.F. Oyeyemi gave a lecture on the topic “To whom much is given” to mark the inauguration of the new registrar on April 30.

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